Parshat Va'etchanan

Join us this week as we bring in Shabbat with a joyous Kabballat Shabbat at 6pm. At 9:15am on Shabbat we will enjoy a shiur on the parasha which will be run by Seraphya Berrin, before commencing Shacharit at 9:45am.

This week, we are thrilled to be celebrating Tali Prawer’s Bat Mitzvah. We wish a mazal tov to Tali and her family on this occasion. It is fitting that this week’s parashah includes the Ten Commandmants as well as the Shema. Just as both these passages of text are fundamental to Judaism, the Prawer family is fundamental to Shira. We are excited to discover what personal touch Tali brings to the Shira community.

The Dvar Torah will be given by Tali and her father, Steven Prawer. The Prawer family invites the congregation to a kiddush at their home (410 Glein Eira Road, Caulfield) following the Service. 

Shira Tzedaka: so far Shira congregants have generously donated $2,904 towards employing a nurse for the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Blantyre, Malawi. One year's salary for a nurse is $3600.00 and we are aiming to raise at least enough money to cover two years’ salary. To contribute to the cause and see more info, click here.

Rosh Chodesh Elul Davening: 

What: Shira will be hosting a festive Tefillah, followed by a light breakfast and a shiur by Daniel Harris. 

Where: Shira (222 Balaclava Rd, Caulfield).

When: Sunday August 19th at 9am

Bring: Your singing voices and musical instruments.

Shabbat Shalom

Posted on August 2, 2012 .