Welcome to Shira Hadasha! 

Shira, the shul of song, is an inclusive Orthodox community in Melbourne that embraces a commitment to Jewish law (halakha) and social action (tikkun olam). For more information, click here.

For admin enquiries please email admin@shira.org.au

For pastoral care enquiries please contact Rabbanit Ellyse Borghi via pastoralcare@shira.org.au

Take membership in 5784 (2023 - 2024)

We are extremely grateful for your support in previous years, which has helped our shul thrive. Please support us through membership once again this year.

Who Are We?

Shira is an inclusive Orthodox minyan in Melbourne where both women and men are active participants and song permeates the service. 

Come visit us for an experience of prayer and song. If you need a place to stay or eat, don’t hesitate to ask.

See you soon!

Victor Majzner, "Holding onto Heaven," 2009. We would like to acknowledge and thank Victor Majzner for his beautiful art work on our home page, from his book Painting the Song, in collaboration with the wonderful poetry of Debbie Masel z'l.

Caulfield, VIC

Events Calendar


Shabbat services are held every Saturday morning at 9:45am and 9:30am on a simcha week.

More info on programs