High Holidays 5781

At Shira, we re-imagined yomtov so that we could come together as a community, despite the physical distance. To prepare for and take us into the High Holidays, we held a series of online “gatherings”. You can revisit these special events in the links below.

Rosh Hashana I: Birth & Rebirth

Read Rabbanit Ellyse Borghi’s Rosh Hashana Drasha

Watch the recording here. Access passcode: kvv@2bA+

Rosh Hashana II: Surrender

Read Raf Dascalu’s Rosh Hashana II Drasha

Watch the recording here. Access Passcode: .5AJDtVG

Neilah: Beginning at The End

Read Lara Lubitz’s Neilah Drasha

Watch the recording here. Access Passcode: .5AJDtVG

Yizkor: Remembering to Remember

Read Mandi Katz’ Yizkor Drasha

Watch the recording here. Access Passcode: L=%nH$c2

Kol Nidrei: on Consecration & Cancellation

Read Joel Lazar’s Kol Nidrei Drasha

Watch the recording here. Access Passcode: N$X@0s3e

Membership 2020-2021

Shul is different this year. Membership is different. But Shira remains Shira. Take out membership for 2020-2021 so that we can continue to run online shul and be here for you in the future. For more information, see our membership page.